Thursday, October 02, 2008

England!!! A year and a half ago

In March 2006 Dallin's company send BOTH of us to England for a 'business' trip. The first five days Dallin spent working hard by attending train conventions. lol. And then we went on to London for five days of on our own fun. It was a blast. The highlight for us was actually seeing Wicked!! Which is an American play. lol. We also saw Les Miserables and all the London sights. It was soooo much fun. And a dream come true for me since I've always wanted to go to England. When we got engaged I made Dallin promise me one day he would take me to Europe. I was picturing us old and retired, but he fulfilled his promise six months after we got married!! He is so awesome. And his company was so awesome too.
One day we went to a botanic garden called Kew Gardens. It was so cool. Dallin saw this Japanese building in the distance and we walked and walked and walked to find it. He was so happy when we finally did.

Dallin at Hyde Park across the street from Buckingham Palace

This was a restroom in the middle of london where you had to put money in to use. Dallin was, as usual, having stomach problems. lol. No he was just pretending

Dallin sneaking into Buckingham palace. What you don't see is a guard right around the corner with a HUGE gun. Yeah, he wouldn't have made it far!

no explanation needed

I was so excited to see Buckingham Palace!!! I was beaming the whole time. I've always been really interested in the British Monarchy, and that obession only had a little to do with Prince William, and so I was really excited to finally see this famous house of theirs.

Me and Little Ben

When Dallin's company was paying for everything we had really nice hotel rooms, but when we got to London we were on our own. this room was 175 dollars a night and it was the tiniest thing in the world. We tried to capture how small it was in the picture, but the room was too small to get a picture of the whole thing in one shot. If that makes sense. Anyway, this is me in the tiny hotel room. Notice that it maybe small, but they still managed to squeese in a tea set for us! Got to love England.

Japanese building again

Streets of London at night

Went all that way and here we are eating KFC and Subway. lol
St. James Palace. One of the many residents of Prince Charles, William, and Harry

Clarence House. The official home of Prince Charles, William, and Harry. This is also where the Queen Mum lived while she was alive and where Princess Diana stayed during her engagement to Prince Charles
Buckingham Palace

Monument of Queen Victoria outside Buckingham Palace

Oh yeah, we took a trip to Hogwarts while we were there. We figured we might as well.

Waiting for Wicked to start

Still waiting

This monkey was pretty pricey, but Dallin could tell I really wanted it. Seeing Wicked was such a blast!!! I'm glad I have a momento

We loved finding words that were the same as in the US, but spelled differently. This one was funny

Me outside Wicked

Me in the tiny room again. Sitting on the bed that was so hard it nearly broke our backs

Me in Westminister Abbey. This is where Princess Diana's funeral took place

Westminster Abbey

The abbey again with Big Ben


The Behm Family said...

If I had only known ya'll were in England.....Sheesh....I live in Germany now....I was only like an hour long flight away....that sucks!! Ha ha ha...Glad ya'll had fun though....thats one place I haven't gone to YET!! :)

Becky Darlington said...

That's so awesome that you got to go to England! Looking at those pictures made me think of all the times we quoted "Sense and Sensibilty", we're geeks! Allen and I went to France for 2 weeks, 8 months after we got married (and I was preggers by that point!). Can't wait to go to England someday...I would LOVE to see platform 9 3/4 that would probably be the highlight of my trip too! lol


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